My Neighbor Totoro
The beloved animation classic by legendary Studio Ghibli director Hayao Miyazaki, My Neighbor Totoro is now retold in novel form. This prestige, hardcover edition features original illustrations by Miyazaki himself, accompanying a story written by veteran children's book author Tsugiko Kubo. Sure to delight both existing fans and new readers! Eleven-year-old Satsuki and her sassy little sister Mei have moved to the country to be closer to their ailing mother. While their father is working, the girls explore their sprawling old house and the forest and fields that surround it. Soon, Satsuki and Mei discover Totoro, a magical forest spirit who takes them on fantastic adventures through the trees and the clouds--and teaches them a lesson about trusting one another.
One of my favourite films by Studio Ghibli so of course I'm going to love the book version! A beautiful book inside and out!A simple but magical story of the bond between a family and enjoying the simple things in life - helped by giant fluffy creatures who like umbrellas!
This book is the cutest thing ever and reading it is like a warm hug, or a cozy summer afternoon. The author uses a tender, descriptive language that is quite successful at bringing the beauty of the movie to mind, to the point that you don't even miss the movie and you don't even want to say one is better than the other. They compliment each other beautifully. If you liked the movie, you'll like this too. If you haven't watched the movie, I'd still recommend you watch it first, because this
Just as sweet and gentle as the movie. The illustrations are a nice touch, though I think without the music and animation the story feels a little flat at times. The relationship between the two sisters was very well done.
My Neighbour Totoro is one of my favourite Studio Ghibli films, so when I saw it at Waterstones in book format (which I didn't know existed!) I instantly had to pick it up. It would be fun to re-watch the film afterwards to see the differences.My favourite scenes from the film are not in here! How disappointing! That's why I give it only 3.5 stars as I still liked the story for what is was. I think the translation wasn't always on point. Some sentences were weird to read. One major thing I
I can't even begin to tell you how lovely this book was. I found it so comforting! I started watching Studio Ghibli movies a few years ago, and they really hold a special place in my heart. I've come to love the franchise, and when I saw this book I knew I'd want to pick it up. I wasn't wrong in adding it to my TBR, I got through it in just a day and I adored it!"The rain kept falling, falling, falling."If you're a fan of the movie like I am, this book is definitely worth the read. Told mostly
Beautiful book. Well written. Gorgeous story. Lovely illustrations. And, despite not normally being a quotey kind of person, I fell in love with this quote: "The rain kept falling, falling, falling.The sound of rain was everywhere.It plopped in the mud and splashed in the puddles, slithered down branches and tinkled from the leaf tips, a symphony of tiny notes playing and fading away endlessly."Such a delightful book to read
Tsugiko Kubo
Hardcover | Pages: 244 pages Rating: 4.33 | 1219 Users | 185 Reviews
Details Books Supposing My Neighbor Totoro
ISBN: | 1421561204 (ISBN13: 9781421561202) |
Edition Language: | English |
Rendition To Books My Neighbor Totoro
One of Studio Ghibli's most beloved classics, Totoro celebrates its 25th anniversary!The beloved animation classic by legendary Studio Ghibli director Hayao Miyazaki, My Neighbor Totoro is now retold in novel form. This prestige, hardcover edition features original illustrations by Miyazaki himself, accompanying a story written by veteran children's book author Tsugiko Kubo. Sure to delight both existing fans and new readers! Eleven-year-old Satsuki and her sassy little sister Mei have moved to the country to be closer to their ailing mother. While their father is working, the girls explore their sprawling old house and the forest and fields that surround it. Soon, Satsuki and Mei discover Totoro, a magical forest spirit who takes them on fantastic adventures through the trees and the clouds--and teaches them a lesson about trusting one another.
Be Specific About Epithetical Books My Neighbor Totoro
Title | : | My Neighbor Totoro |
Author | : | Tsugiko Kubo |
Book Format | : | Hardcover |
Book Edition | : | Deluxe Edition |
Pages | : | Pages: 244 pages |
Published | : | October 1st 2013 by VIZ Media LLC (first published January 1st 2013) |
Categories | : | Fantasy. Fiction. Childrens. Cultural. Japan |
Rating Epithetical Books My Neighbor Totoro
Ratings: 4.33 From 1219 Users | 185 ReviewsCriticize Epithetical Books My Neighbor Totoro
In SummaryWhile it doesnt follow the film exactly, My Neighbor Totoro: the Novel is a delightful companion piece to the movie. It gives readers additional details on the characters and setting and provides a glimpse into Satsukis thoughts as events unfold. Although it was originally written for young readers, fans of all ages can enjoy rediscovering Totoros forest from a new perspective.The ReviewThis book is beautifully produced. The canvas textured cover and Miyazakis watercolor sketchOne of my favourite films by Studio Ghibli so of course I'm going to love the book version! A beautiful book inside and out!A simple but magical story of the bond between a family and enjoying the simple things in life - helped by giant fluffy creatures who like umbrellas!
This book is the cutest thing ever and reading it is like a warm hug, or a cozy summer afternoon. The author uses a tender, descriptive language that is quite successful at bringing the beauty of the movie to mind, to the point that you don't even miss the movie and you don't even want to say one is better than the other. They compliment each other beautifully. If you liked the movie, you'll like this too. If you haven't watched the movie, I'd still recommend you watch it first, because this
Just as sweet and gentle as the movie. The illustrations are a nice touch, though I think without the music and animation the story feels a little flat at times. The relationship between the two sisters was very well done.
My Neighbour Totoro is one of my favourite Studio Ghibli films, so when I saw it at Waterstones in book format (which I didn't know existed!) I instantly had to pick it up. It would be fun to re-watch the film afterwards to see the differences.My favourite scenes from the film are not in here! How disappointing! That's why I give it only 3.5 stars as I still liked the story for what is was. I think the translation wasn't always on point. Some sentences were weird to read. One major thing I
I can't even begin to tell you how lovely this book was. I found it so comforting! I started watching Studio Ghibli movies a few years ago, and they really hold a special place in my heart. I've come to love the franchise, and when I saw this book I knew I'd want to pick it up. I wasn't wrong in adding it to my TBR, I got through it in just a day and I adored it!"The rain kept falling, falling, falling."If you're a fan of the movie like I am, this book is definitely worth the read. Told mostly
Beautiful book. Well written. Gorgeous story. Lovely illustrations. And, despite not normally being a quotey kind of person, I fell in love with this quote: "The rain kept falling, falling, falling.The sound of rain was everywhere.It plopped in the mud and splashed in the puddles, slithered down branches and tinkled from the leaf tips, a symphony of tiny notes playing and fading away endlessly."Such a delightful book to read
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